Walsh-in-Asia submission
Submission for the Walsh-in-Asia Sessions is now closed.
Invitation for “Walsh-in-Asia” Session Abstract submission
The Walsh-in-Asia Session is named and patterned after the Frank B. Walsh Session at the annual meeting of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS). Eight unusual, interesting, and challenging cases with supportive radiologic and histopathologic images are presented and discussed with input from a panel of experts comprising of neuro-ophthalmologists, a neuro-radiologist, and a pathologist.
The 2024 Walsh-in-Asia Session will be held on 6th Dec 2024 (Friday) afternoon in Hong Kong during the 12th ASNOS meeting (6-8th Dec 2024).
You are cordially invited to submit an interesting case for panel selection, to be presented at this upcoming Walsh-in-Asia Session.
Cases suitable for this Session:
Unique cases:
With clinical dilemma at reaching the diagnosis
with rare diagnoses
with common diagnoses yet atypical presentations, AND
Radiological/ pathological learning points
Please prepare an abstract according to the attached template for submission.
Each presentation has a scheduled duration of 20 minutes:
8 minutes for case presentation
2.5 minutes for radiology pearls
2.5 minutes for pathology pearls
5 minutes for discussion
The panel will select the top 8 abstracts, according to the complexity of the cases and their learning points. Upon selection, the panel will work with the submitting author to refine the presentation file and gather the required radiology/ pathology images for the meeting.
Cases selected for the Walsh-in-Asia Session will be considered as invited presentations. The presenting author will qualify for complimentary registration at the upcoming ASNOS meeting,
The best Walsh-in-Asia case presentation will be honored with an award.
Abstracts not selected for the Walsh-in-Asia Session will be considered as poster abstract submission for ASNOS.
How to submit?
Email the completed template and powerpoint files (radiology & pathology slides) to asnos@asmhk-asnos2024.com
What to submit?
Please use this template for submission. Download template here:
Important date: Deadline for Asia-Walsh case submission 15 July 2024
View Walsh-in-Asia Guidelines for Speakers here